
CHATS Logotag

Ways to Donate

We rely on the generosity of our community to help us keep helping those in need.

Just $10 will ensure someone in need gets a hot breakfast - it may well be the only meal they have that day.

Whether you can give $10 or more, every little bit helps.

All financial donations are tax deductible and always appreciated.

Bank Transfer

You can transfer money directly into our bank account:

Account Name: Community Help and Togetherness Inc.
: 633000
Account Number
: 175 670 405

Once you have made a donation, email with your name and the donation amount so that we can send you a tax receipt.

By Card

If you would prefer to make donation using a card, click the link below to go to our secure payment facility, GiveEasy. Here you can make a once-off donation or set up a regular, recurring donation with your credit or debit card.

Make a Donation by Card